Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Best Book I've Ever Read; Looking For Alaska by John Green

Usually, I have my nose in a book. If I don't, I've got my nose in a glass of wine. If it's neither of those, I'm usually talking about or prepping for one of the two. That's not to say that I don't do other things, but they're definitely my favorite pastimes. I have drank a lot of wine, and have read even more books.

I went on the hunt for the book, Looking For Alaska by John Green. At first I thought the book was a typical boy-girl relationship based book. Then as I started into the first chapter I realized it was nothing I thought it'd be about. I don't usually like books written by men. And that's not because I'm sexist; but because I like things women write about more. I like to be taken on a journey when I read a story, and I usually catch a ride on the romance train.

Now I caught wind of this book when I was looking for great quotes on the internet. I found a paragraph that stuck with me for just shy of three years(I'm not joking, I am a freak like that; I found the quote October 8th, 2009). I repetitively read this paragraph over the course of the years and to this day, I believe it's the best paragraph ever seen by my two eyes;

"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane."

If that doesn't get your panties in a twist like it did mine, don't worry; this book may still be for you. Because as I said, it was nothing like I expected it. In the absolute best ways. After reading that paragraph, committing the words to my memory for a very long time, I decided to find the book. I was looking for a first edition print of it(STILL LOOKING), because I knew in my heart that it would be a book that I needed on my shelf, and I have a 'thing' for first-edition books, when they're life changing reads. So I still haven't found the version of the book I'd prefer, but with that paragraph dangling in my brain, day after day, I decided to just buy it at the book store this past weekend. I read it in two days. Not unlike when I first read the Harry Potter books in the fifth grade, I found myself carrying the book with me everywhere I went. I read it in between answering calls(occasionally I dared to read on while I went through the greeting I say every call I get) at work. I read it while I was eating. I read it while I took a bath(skipped the shower so I would have the ability to read it). I read it non stop until I reached the end.

So on top of it being written by a dude, it's also based around a dude, Miles. And for any lovers of books about relationships, you know things can get a bit weird if you're reading suddenly through a boys thoughts. But the book is so greatly written, that it held every fiber of my attention until the end.. 

I feel like it's the most well written book I've had the privilege to read. I understand why they have kids read it in school(glad I didn't because it made me cry a few times), and I understand the awards that have been given to the novel.

I was about to turn around and read the book a second time, right after the first, but I decided to let my sister read it while it simmered in my brain.. Four days ago I decided not to read it that second time. It has crossed my mind every single day since I first opened to the first page, and a few times daily since I finished it. When the biggest thing happens in the book(I refuse to spoil it for you because I hope a few people will see this and read it), I hated it. I hated the turn the book took. It made me mad. My emotions were out of whack and I literally felt angry towards the author, but I turned the page to the next, to the one after that one, and on to the one after that, over and over. As I so strongly hated this book, I in turn realized I love it. And it is in fact a book that I will enjoy reading time and time again. 

If I could speak directly to John Green, I would shake his hand and thank him for the beautiful turns he caused my heart to take. I would tell him I don't think I could have lived my life without reading the before and after of that paragraph. And I'd sure as hell buy that guy a beer. 

He made it so easy to connect to the characters. Made me feel as though I was a friend to the ones he wrote about. And my hope, is that I can get at least one person to read the book, and to be a little like Alaska.

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